

Hutchins, ME and Saltz, JB. "Eavesdropping and the audience effect in fighting fruit flies reveal feedback between social information use and production."  Accepted to Behavioral Ecology & Sociobiology, preprint available:

Burns, MP; Saltz, JB. 2024. Species differences in learning about gustatory and visual stimuli in two recently diverged species of Drosophila. Animal Behaviour 215: 177-190, DOI: 10.1016/j.anbehav.2024.07.009

Hutchins, ME; Douglas, TE; Pollack, LJ;  Saltz, JB. Genetic variation in male aggression is influenced by genotype of prior social partners in D. melanogaster. The American Naturalist 203(5): 551-561,

Saltz, JB; Palmer, M; Beaudrot, L. 2023. Identifying the social context of single- and mixed-species group formation in large African herbivores. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B DOI: 10.1098/rstb.2022.0105

Wice, EW, and Saltz, JB. 2023. Indirect genetic effects for social network structure in Drosophila melanogaster. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B DOI: 10.1098/rstb.2022.0075

Girardeau, AR*, Foley, BR, and Saltz, JB. 2021. Comparing single-species and mixed-species groups in fruit flies: differences in group dynamics but not group formation. Accepted, Journal of Heredity

Jaffe, Allison; Burns, Madeline P.; Saltz, Julia B. 2020. Genotype-by-genotype epistasis in Drosophila simulans. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: 28720200057

Fisher, David; Kilgour, R; Siracusa, Erin; Foote, Jennifer; Hobson, Elizabeth; Montiglio, Pierre-Olivier; Saltz, Julia; Wey, Tina; Wice, Eric. 2021. Anticipated effects of abiotic environmental change on intraspecific social interactions. Biological Reviews (early access)

Burns, MP, Cavallaro*, F, and Saltz, JB. 2020. Does Divergence in Habitat Breadth Associate with Species Differences in Decision Making in Drosophila sechellia and Drosophila simulans? Genes: 11(5), 528;

Keiser, Nick; Rudolf, Volker H.W.; Luksik, Matthew C.; Saltz, Julia. 2020. Sex-differences in disease avoidance behavior vary across modes of pathogen exposure. Ethology. 126(3): 304-312.

Douglas, T; Anderson, R; and Saltz, JB. 2020. Limits to male reproductive potential across mating bouts in Drosophila melanogaster. Animal Behaviour 160: 25-33.

Ochocki, B., Saltz, JB, and Miller, TEX. 2020. Demography-dispersal trait correlations modify the eco-evolutionary dynamics of range expansion. The American Naturalist. 195(2):231-246

Stamps, JA; Biro, B; Mitchell, D.; and Saltz, JB. 2018. Bayesian updating during development predicts genotypic differences in plasticity. Evolution, 72(10): 2167-2180

Keiser, CN; Rudolf, VHW; Sartain, E*; Every, E*; and Saltz, JB. 2018. Social context alters host behavior and infection risk. Behavioral Ecology 29(4): 869–875.

Press: Rice University press release, futurity, and ScienceDaily.

Saltz, JB; Bell, AM; Flint, J; Gomulkeiwicz, R; Hughes, K; and Keagy, J. 2018. Why does the magnitude of genotype-by-environment variation vary? Ecology and Evolution 8(12): 6342–6353.

Bell, AM; Saltz, JB. 2017. Comment on Baumert et al.: Integrating Personality Structure, Personality Process, and Personality Development. European Journal of Personality 31(5): 532-533.

Keiser, CN; Vodjvodic, S; Butler, I; Sartain, E; Rudolf, VHW; and Saltz, JB. 2017. Queen presence alters the relationship between collective behavior and disease susceptibility in ant colonies.Journal of Animal Ecology 87(2): 379–387.

Saltz, JB; Lymer, S; Gabrielian, JG; and Nuzhdin SV. 2017. Genetic correlations among developmental and contextual behavioral plasticity in Drosophila melanogaster. The American Naturalist 190(1): 61-72.

Saltz, JB; Hessel, F*; and Kelly, MW. 2017. Trait correlations in the genomics era. Trends in Ecology & Evolution 32(4): 279-290.

Press: Interview with me about the paper featured on the Heredity podcast; Rice’s press release picked up by futurity and

Saltz, JB; Geiger, AP; Anderson, R*; Johnson, BJ*; and Marren, RI*. 2016 What, if anything, is a social niche? Evolutionary Ecology 30(2): 349-364.

Foley, BR; Saltz, JB; Nuzhdin, SV; and Marjoram, P. 2015. A Bayesian approach to social structure uncovers cryptic regulation of group dynamics in Drosophila melanogaster. The American Naturalist 185(6):797-808.

Saltz, JB and Nuzhdin, SV. 2014. Genetic variation in niche construction and its implications: Response to Shuker. Trends in Ecology & Evolution 29(6): 304-305.

Saltz, JB; and Nuzhdin, SV. 2014. Genetic variation in niche construction: implications for development and evolutionary genetics. Trends in Ecology & Evolution 29(1): 8-14

Stamps, JA; Saltz, JB; and Krishnan, VV. 2013. Genotypic differences in behavioural entropy: unpredictable genotypes are composed of unpredictable individuals. Animal Behaviour 86(3): 641-649.

Ardekani, R; Biyani, A; Dalton, J; Saltz, JB; Arbeitman, MA; Tower, J; Nuzhdin S; and Tavaré, S. 2013. Three dimensional tracking and behavior monitoring of multiple fruit flies. Journal of the Royal Society Interface 10: 20120547

Saltz, JB; Alicuben, ET*; Grubman, J*; Harkenrider, M*; Megowan, N*; and Nuzhdin, SV. 2012. Non-additive indirect effects of group genetic diversity on larval viability in D. melanogaster imply key role of maternal decision-making. Molecular Ecology 21(9): 2270-2281.

Review in Science Daily; This paper won The American Naturalists’ Best Student Paper award in 2012

Miller, PM; Saltz, JB; Cochrane, VA; Marcinkowski, CM; Mobin, R; and Turner, TL. 2011. Natural variation in decision-making behavior in Drosophila melanogaster. PLoS One6(1):e16436.

Top 25% most-cited articles in PLoS One

Conrad, L; Weinersmith, KL; Brodin, T; Saltz, JB; and Sih, A. 2011. Behavioural syndromes in fishes: a review with implications for ecology and fisheries management. Journal of Fish Biology 78(2):395-435.

Pending Manuscripts

Girardeau, AR, Enochs, GE, Saltz, JB. Evolutionary feedbacks for Drosophila aggression revealed through artificial evolution. In revision at PNAS

Preprint available:

Keiser, Carl; Dwarumpudi, Anu*; Yuksel, Iclal; Every, Emma*; Tran, Celina*; Uustal, Haley*; Saltz, Julia; Rudolf, Volker. Host behavioral trait diversity as a driver of disease outbreak severity. In revision at Journal of Animal Ecology

Pollack, LJ; Afework, K*; Saltz, JB. The last of us: social information enhances trappability in fruit flies. Submitted to JEB

Jamilla Akhund-Zade, Denise Yoon, Alyssa Bangerter,  Nikolaos Polizos, Matthew Campbell, Anna Soloshenko, Thomas Zhang, Eric Wice, Ashley R. Albright, Aditi Narayanan, Paul Schmidt, Julia Saltz, Julien Ayroles, Mason Klein, Alan O. Bergland, Benjamin L. de Bivort.  Wild flies hedge their thermal preference bets in response to seasonal fluctuations. bioRxiv:

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